Thoughts on Donald Trump

What a disaster. The Americans have elected the epitome of braggart, narcissistic bully. What are my predictions for the future. Well, if we extrapolate from the past, and even the election campaign, we will have some disastrous decisions and ruinous policies. The thing that will most effects all of us is his attitude to climate change and the environment. He has selected a person who has attacked the EPA on numerous occasions. He is a climate change denier.

His attitude to migrants and other minorities and his tendency to incite violence (“I’ld like to punch him in the face”), as seen at his rallies, are very, very worrying. What you have seen is what you will get.

We have seen idiots as president before, but none who have shown such an ugly side to their natures. Mussolini is the nearest comparison in recent history. He was an example of what an egomaniac with delusions of racial superiority can do. People say that Trump must be given a chance, but we can already see what he has proposed, especially on climate change. He shouldn’t be allowed to go ahead with dismantling the EPA and the Paris Agreement on Climate Chang.

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